Karolina Jodkowska
Position: Postdoc
e-mail: k.jodkowska@cent.uw.edu.pl
Room: 3.64
Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
Biographical note
Karolina Jodkowska completed her BSc and MSc in Biology at the University of Warsaw. She did her PhD at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) in Madrid studying spatial organization of DNA replication in the nucleus. Her interests are focused on understanding how basic cellular processes such as replication, transcription and DNA repair are coordinated in the context of three-dimensional organization of chromatin
Publications in lab:
Parteka-Tojek Z,
Zhu J,
Lee B,
Jodkowska K,
Wang P,
Aaron J,
Chew T,
Banecki K,
Plewczyński D,
Ruan Y,
Super-resolution visualization of chromatin loop folding in human lymphoblastoid cells using interferometric photoactivated localization microscopy.
(Sci Rep) [Pub Med ID: 21832993] -
Własnowolski M,
Sadowski M,
Czarnota T,
Jodkowska K,
Szałaj P,
Tang Z,
Ruan Y,
Plewczyński D,
3D-GNOME 2.0: a three-dimensional genome modeling engine for predicting structural variation-driven alterations of chromatin spatial structure in the human genome.
(Nucleic Acids Res.) [Pub Med ID: 32442297]