Michał Łaźniewski
Position: Collaborator
e-mail: m.lazniewski@cent.uw.edu.pl
Phone: +48 22 55 43 665
Room: 3.62
Biographical note
Michał Łaźniewski scientific interest focus mostly on proteins their sequence, structure, function and interactions with small drug-like compounds. Constant progress in sequencing techniques results, among others, in the exponential growth of the number of known protein sequences. Using profile and meta-profile methods this new sequences can be linked to other alre ady characterized proteins. These information can be used to group similar proteins, predict the structure of newly identified ones and ,to some extent, predict their function. These tasks can be achieved even if compared object share only marginal sequence similarity. Using protein structure a number of analysis can be performed, protein dynamics, predicting protein-protein interactions or calculating binding affinities of small molecules to interesting proteins. These analysis can help us to better understand biological processes at the molecular level and to to predict new drugs.
Publications in lab:
Łaźniewski M,
Dermawan D,
Hidayat S,
Muchtaridi M,
Dawson W,
Plewczyński D,
Drug repurposing for identification of potential spike inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 using molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations.
(Methods) [Pub Med ID: 35167916] -
Klopotowska M,
Bajor M,
Graczyk-Jarzynka A,
Kraft A,
Pilch Z,
Zhylko A,
Firczuk M,
Baranowska I,
Łaźniewski M,
Plewczyński D,
Goral A,
Soroczynska K,
Domagala J,
Marhelava K,
Slusarczyk A,
Retecki K,
Ramji K,
Krawczyk M,
Temples M,
Sharma B,
Lachota M,
Netskar H,
Malmberg K,
Zagozdzon R,
Winiarska M,
PRDX-1 Supports the Survival and Antitumor Activity of Primary and CAR-Modified NK Cells under Oxidative Stress.
(Cancer Immunol Res) [Pub Med ID: 34853030] -
Grzywa T,
Sosnowska A,
Rydzynska Z,
Łaźniewski M,
Plewczyński D,
Klicka K,
Malecka-Gieldowska M,
Rodziewicz-Lurzynska A,
Ciepiela O,
Justyniarska M,
Pomper P,
Grzybowski M,
Blaszczyk R,
Wegrzynowicz M,
Tomaszewska A,
Basak G,
Gołąb J,
Nowis D,
Potent but transient immunosuppression of T-cells is a general feature of CD71
(Commun Biol) [Pub Med ID: 32499785] -
Oziębło D,
Leja M,
Łaźniewski M,
Sarosiak A,
Tacikowska G,
Kochanek K,
Plewczyński D,
Skarżyński H,
Ołdak M,
TBC1D24 emerges as an important contributor to progressive postlingual dominant hearing loss
(Scientific Reports) [Pub Med ID: 33986365] -
Jezela-Stanek A,
Walczak A,
Łaźniewski M,
Kosińska J,
Stawiński P,
Murcia Pienkowski V,
Biernacka A,
Rydzanicz M,
Kostrzewa G,
Krajewski P,
Plewczyński D,
Płoski R,
Novel COL12A1 variant as a cause of mild familial extracellular matrix-related myopathy.
(Clin. Genet.) [Pub Med ID: 30920656] -
Marusiak A,
Prelowska M,
Mehlich D,
Łaźniewski M,
Kaminska K,
Gorczynski A,
Korwat A,
Sokolowska O,
Kedzierska H,
Gołąb J,
Biernat W,
Plewczyński D,
Brognard J,
Nowis D,
Upregulation of MLK4 promotes migratory and invasive potential of breast cancer cells.
(Oncogene) [Pub Med ID: 30552384] -
Chlebowska-Tuz J,
Sokolowska O,
Gaj P,
Łaźniewski M,
Firczuk M,
Borowiec K,
Sas-Nowosielska H,
Bajor M,
Malinowska A,
Muchowicz A,
Ramji K,
Stawiński P,
Sobczak M,
Pilch Z,
Rodziewicz-Lurzynska A,
Zajac M,
Giannopoulos K,
Juszczynski P,
Basak G,
Plewczyński D,
Płoski R,
Gołąb J,
Nowis D,
Inhibition of protein disulfide isomerase induces differentiation of acute myeloid leukemia cells.
(Haematologica) [Pub Med ID: 24464223] -
Łaźniewski M,
Dawson W,
Rusek A,
Plewczyński D,
One protein to rule them all: The role of CCCTC-binding factor in shaping human genome in health and disease.
(Semin. Cell Dev. Biol.) [Pub Med ID: 30096365] -
Ciara E,
Rokicki D,
Łaźniewski M,
Mierzewska H,
Jurkiewicz E,
Bekiesińska-Figatowska M,
Piekutowska-Abramczuk D,
Iwanicka-Pronicka K,
Szymańska E,
Stawiński P,
Kosińska J,
Pollak A,
Pronicki M,
Plewczyński D,
Płoski R,
Pronicka E,
Clinical and molecular characteristics of newly reported mitochondrial disease entity caused by biallelic PARS2 mutations.
(J. Hum. Genet.) [Pub Med ID: 29410512] -
Łaźniewski M,
Dawson W,
Szczepińska T,
Plewczyński D,
The structural variability of the influenza A hemagglutinin receptor-binding site.
(Brief Funct Genomics) [Pub Med ID: 29253080] -
Dawson W,
Łaźniewski M,
Plewczyński D,
RNA structure interactions and ribonucleoprotein processes of the influenza A virus.
(Brief Funct Genomics) [Pub Med ID: 29040388] -
Ołdak M,
Oziębło D,
Pollak A,
Stępniak I,
Łaźniewski M,
Lechowicz U,
Kochanek K,
Furmanek M,
Tacikowska G,
Plewczyński D,
Wolak T,
Płoski R,
Skarżyński H,
Novel neuro-audiological findings and further evidence for TWNK involvement in Perrault syndrome.
(J Transl Med) [Pub Med ID: 28178980] -
Mazzocco G,
Łaźniewski M,
Migdał P,
Szczepińska T,
Radomski J,
Plewczyński D,
3DFlu: database of sequence and structural variability of the influenza hemagglutinin at population scale.
(Database (Oxford)) [Pub Med ID: 27694207] -
Saha I,
Rak B,
Bhowmick S,
Maulik U,
Bhattacharjee D,
Koch U,
Łaźniewski M,
Plewczyński D,
Binding Activity Prediction of Cyclin-Dependent Inhibitors.
(J Chem Inf Model) [Pub Med ID: 26079845] -
Plewczyński D,
Łaźniewski M,
Von Grotthuss M,
Rychlewski L,
Ginalski K,
VoteDock: consensus docking method for prediction of protein-ligand interactions.
(J Comput Chem) [Pub Med ID: 20812324] -
Plewczyński D,
Łaźniewski M,
Augustyniak R,
Ginalski K,
Can we trust docking results? Evaluation of seven commonly used programs on PDBbind database.
(J Comput Chem) [Pub Med ID: 20812323] -
Nowosielski M,
Hoffmann M,
Wyrwicz L,
Stepniak P,
Plewczyński D,
Łaźniewski M,
Ginalski K,
Rychlewski L,
Detailed mechanism of squalene epoxidase inhibition by terbinafine.
(J Chem Inf Model) [Pub Med ID: 21229992]