Fields of research in lab


Areas For Scientific Synergies

Three dimensional Genomics, 4DNucleome related projects, the higher order chromatin organization; Hi-C / ChIA-PET / Hi-ChIP experiments and data analysis, chromatin looping, topologically associating domains, compartmentalization of nucleus, lamina and subnuclear structures interactions with chromatin; genome wide association studies (GWAS), structural variants identification and functional analysis (including deletions, duplications, insertions, inversions, and translocations), next generation sequencing, short (Illumina) and long-reads (Oxford Nanopore, PacBio) DNA sequencing and data analysis, ChIP-seq data analysis from the 3D structure perspective; Big Data, statistical learning, massive dataset analysis, Computational Genomics and bioinformatics in population-level genomic data for medical applications and fundamental research in Life Sciences, structural and functional analysis of “omics” data; biophysical simulations , polymer modeling, DNA, RNA and proteins structure prediction, protein-protein, protein-DNA, protein-RNA and RNA-DNA interactions: prediction and analysis of biomolecular interactions networks; whole-cell systems biology modeling;

Three-dimensional Human Genome structure at the population scale: computational algorithm and experimental validation for lymphoblastoid cell lines of selected families from 1000 Genomes

Project TEAM - Laboratory of Functional and Structural Genomics CeNT

FNP logo

Spatial network model of sequence and structure diversity of Human genome at a population scale

Dariusz Plewczyński

Multiscale spatial reorganization of chromatin in response to replication stress and its role in cellular protection against genomic instability

Dariusz Plewczyński

The (MSCA)-ITN the Innovative Training Networks program ENHPATHY

Dariusz Plewczyński

HPC facility

Dariusz Plewczyński

Bat Coronaviruses as an emerging threat for human population

Michał Łaźniewski

A complex programme of support for UW PhD students - Travel grant

Kaustav Sengupta